Massive Transfusion Protocol
Massive Transfusion Protocol (Massive Haemorrhage Protocol)
This is a handy card for clinician working in critical care, surgery or obstetrics. It features a clear flow chart outlining how and when to activate a massive transfusion protocol and suggested doses - information that you do not want to be scrambling to find in an emergency!
Please note that these are general guidelines only - please refer to your institutional guidelines in the first instance.
All cards are printed on superior quality PVC cards with a professional card printer. The cards are durable 1mm thick credit card size (CR80). They are fade resistant, water proof and can even be sanitised by light cleaning with an alcohol swab - perfect for those times when you forget to remove your lanyard during a PR exam!
By using this card you acknowledge that this card is an aide-memoire only and that the information should be checked before use. The authors hold no responsibility regarding the accuracy of the information.
Further Reading
Therapy Indications In Massive Transfusion - Australian Red Cross Blood Service
Cryoprecipitate Specifications - Australian Red Cross Blood Service
MTP Template - National Blood Authority Australia